Families » First 3 Days: Remote Plan

First 3 Days: Remote Plan


Welcome Back 

TYWLS of Astoria!


Please click here ACT student schedule!


Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! We hope you had a wonderful summer and we can’t wait to see you virtually to start the year this Wednesday at 8 a.m. 


It is our pleasure to begin the year with our 4th Annual Advisory Camp TYWLS - a two-day “camp-like” experience packed with team building activities and workshops designed to help you get ready for the school year.


The primary goal of ACT is to develop LEADERSHIP skills, foster school PRIDE, build healthy and strong COMMUNICATION, become SCHOLARS of learning and life, and, of course, to have fun!   





Please be on the lookout for an email from your Advisor tomorrow - this email will contain the Google Meet or Zoom link you will use to join your Advisory at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. Once you're in Advisory on Wednesday, your advisor will go over the schedule for ACT and answer any questions you have. We have workshops planned from 8 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. with 45 minutes for lunch and screen breaks scheduled throughout the day. Your advisor will explain how to navigate this schedule on your Google Meet call at 8 a.m. on Wednesday!





We will communicate important information about metro cards, school policies, blue cards, and other forms during these first two days of the school year. Laptops will be distributed during the first weeks of school.  Student schedules will be distributed by Friday, September 18th.


As a reminder, supply lists and summer assignments can be found on our school website under the “Student Life” tab, which can be accessed at this link. Summer assignment packets should be submitted on Monday, September 21st when your regularly scheduled classes begin. If you are new to our school or need an extension for an extenuating circumstance, please let your advisor know. 






Your ACT Staff Members (Advisors, office staff and school administrators) are here to help ensure that your experience these first three days is enjoyable and helpful. 


If you do not receive an email from your advisor by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, please email Grace and she will help you - her email is [email protected]. You can also email her with any other questions you have about Advisory Camp TYWLS (ACT). 


If you have questions about laptops or technology, please email [email protected].Please allow at least a 1 week wait time, as we start the year with patience and understanding.


If you have any other questions about the school year, please reach out to AP Michael Cohen at [email protected].


Looking forward to connecting as a community on Wednesday and Thursday for ACT. On Friday, we'll have an hour long "Meet Your Teachers" event for each grade level, which we'll send more details on later in the week.


See you online on Wednesday!